Monday, August 26, 2019

"Thinking lIke an Artist" oral presentations

Over the last few weeks students in Room 21 have been presenting to the class an aspect of the "Arts" that they are passionate about. This included a visit from a brother showing us his flute and guitar skills, art works, art in nature, keyboards, construction art, songs, poems and potter. What a great range! The children spoke clearly and enthusiastically, and answered questions confidently. Thank you parents for your great support behind this.
Have a look below

Monday, August 19, 2019

Maths Mufti Day and our Assembly

Last Friday it was a great day! We had Maths Mufti-Day, which was a dress-up day in something in a maths theme. This was for the end of Maths Week at our school.
It was also Room 21's turn to host whole school assembly. That meant we had to make announcements and put on an item. We chose to do a "doubles' rap - to show how you can learn your doubles in a fun, musical way. We also made Maths headbands which we wore.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Snowmen - What do they do at night?

As part of our Winter focus we created snowmen with thick white paint, glitter, paper snowflakes and material hats, eyes, noses, scarves and buttons. We then went and found some twigs for the arms.
Also- we watched a video of the book "What do snowmen do at Night?" and thought about some silly ideas snowmen could do. We then worked with buddies and used the conjunctions of 'and' and 'but' to create long sentences. Here are the results!